Intelli studio software
Intelli studio software

Wa_emtsubject: "emtsubject:itinformationtechnology/edgecomputing,emtsubject:itinformationtechnology/cloudcomputing,emtsubject:itinformationtechnology/clientcomputing,emtsubject:itinformationtechnology/iotinternetofthings", Wa_curated: "curated:donotuseinexternalfilters/producthomepage", Wa_emtoperatingsystem: "emtoperatingsystem:linux,emtoperatingsystem:microsoftwindows,emtoperatingsystem:macos", Wa_rsoftware: "rsoftware:inteloneapitoolkits/inteloneapibasetoolkit,rsoftware:inteloneapitoolkits/inteloneapiiottoolkit,rsoftware:developmenttools",

intelli studio software

Wa_emtcontenttype: "emtcontenttype:softwareordriver/softwarerepository/softwareoverviews", Access meta-intel layer through OpenEmbedded or Yocto Project. The meta-intel layer integrates essential oneAPI tools to quickly create and customize Linux* kernels based on the Yocto Project* for edge devices and systems. OpenEmbedded or Yocto Project* for Linux* Kernel Build This toolkit is a secure, fast, and lightweight library of building blocks for cryptography, highly optimized for various Intel® CPUs.įind and optimize performance bottlenecks across CPU, GPU, and FPGA systems. Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Cryptography Speed up performance of imaging, signal processing, data compression, and more. Locate and debug threading, memory, and persistent memory errors early in the design cycle to avoid costly errors later. Requires installation of the Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit. Program these reconfigurable hardware accelerators to speed up specialized, data-centric workloads. Intel® FPGA Add-On for oneAPI Base Toolkit (Optional)


Migrate legacy CUDA* code to a multiplatform program in code with this assistant.

intelli studio software

Use this standards-based C++ compiler with support for OpenMP* to take advantage of more cores and built-in technologies in platforms based on Intel® Xeon® processors, Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, Intel® Core™ processors and Intel® Atom® processors.Įnable deep, system-wide debug of SYCL, C, and C++ code.Īchieve fast math-intensive workload performance without code changes for data science and machine learning problems. Simplify parallelism with this advanced threading and memory-management template library.ĭeliver fast, high-quality, real-time video decoding, encoding, transcoding, and processing for broadcasting, live streaming and VOD, cloud gaming, and more.ĭesign code for efficient vectorization, threading, and offloading to accelerators. Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Network Libraryĭevelop fast neural networks on Intel® CPUs and GPUs with performance-optimized building blocks.Īccelerate math processing routines, including matrix algebra, fast Fourier transforms (FFT), and vector math. Speed up data parallel workloads with these key productivity algorithms and functions. Implement optimized communication patterns to distribute deep learning model training across multiple nodes.īoost machine learning and data analytics performance.Ĭompile and optimize SYCL and C++ code for CPU, GPU, and FPGA target architectures. Intel® oneAPI Collective Communications Library

Intelli studio software